About Us

Over the last couple of years, many of our family members have been participating in an active, family website. We have put together a place where news, information, pictures and even jokes can be shared with friends and family. I have been maintaining the website and act as a kind of online editor. Relatives send items in and I post them. The address of the main page is:


There is a 'Quick Message Center' on the home page that anyone can leave a short message in (say Hi when you visit!). I'd sure like to invite you to take a look at the site. Check out the many picture pages. Take a look at some of the news archive to get a feel for the kinds of items we include. Some people participate more than others. Some just send pictures. We have lots of room to share!

It's a great place to share the kids activities.There's no pressure here. If you just want to look and see once in a while, do so and enjoy!

The site is open and we encourage family members to use it to share picures with friends also. We would be very proud to include any of our extended family as participants in this endeavor.

John Schmit
Click here to contact me.

Our Times
The Family Website
Check it out today!