Spiders & Kitties

September 1, 2007

Not really sure how many of you are interested in spiders. They are not my favorite critter, but I do like to watch them. When I was a kid in California, we had Black Widows in the window of our bedroom. My sister and I were never afraid of them, and we were never bitten.

Tonight I went outside to fill up the fountain and also to add fresh water to a bird waterer that I have. I took that water thingy, turned it upside down, unscrewed the bottom and proceeded to fill it up. Then I looked at the base. There was this spider! I looked at it for a minute, then I brought it in to show Bill. He asked if it was a Black Widow, I said no. Well come to find out, it is, it's called a Southern Black Widow. It has red marks on the upper side of it's body. It's fairly small too, nothing like what we had in CA. The hole that it is in is only about 3/4 of an inch across. The spider is fairly small actually. I went back out and took some pictures. I'll leave it alone now, so it can catch it's bugs and such. Just wanted to share my spider with ya'all!! Click here to see the spider pictures.

Here are a couple pictures of my three kitties. Reno, the mature one, is up on the back of the couch, Daze, the juvenile delinquent, is laying by the pillow, & Ralphie ( the gray kitty and still a kitten ) is laying beside Daze. All three kitties live in the house with us, but seldom, if ever are they on the couch at the same time. Daze is usually in Bill's lap, Reno is in his spot, whereever that may be and Ralphie is off someplace too. Sometimes he's in my lap. His name was Ralph, but he got fixed about a week after I brought him home, making him a Ralphie!! Click here to see the kitty pictures.