Tongue Cancer

June 14, 2008

Cliff just called and said he talked to Roland (Postlewait, our cousin) in Reno and that Roland found out he has cancer that's on the back of his tongue. The tumor is now about the size of a ping pong ball. He went to doctor's in Reno and they suggested he go to the Texas Cancer Institute in Houston TX as they specialize in this type of cancer. I believe that Roland will be home this week and will then be going to Houston for seven weeks for both radiation and then chemo treatment. Cliff explained the whole process to me and that after about three weeks, Roland will not want any company or anyone else around because he will be feeling like HELL. I will plan on driving down there in the next couple of weeks or so, so I can see him before he can't talk.

The strange part of it is that when I was telling Daryl, he has a co-worker (David) who had the same identical thing and went to the same hospital so Daryl was aware of what Roland will be going through just from listening to David. David has been cancer free now for approximately one year because the procedure they use in Houston is the best way to treat this type of cancer.

I'm sure that cards could be sent to Roland's address in Reno as his wife will be going back and forth to Houston at different times. Roland will be staying in a hotel across from the hospital which is connected by a covered walkway.