Andrew's Surgery

September 3, 2008
By Tricia Miller

Well, on Tuesday we took Andrew to the doctor..he had been sick for the last few days and we thought he might have food turns out that he actually had appendicitis. So we spent the next six hours in the E.R. and finally they double diagnosed him with appendicitis and he was scheduled for surgery.

Andrew went into surgery around 9:50pm on Sept. 2nd, and the operation only took about an hour and a half. His surgery was a landoscopic Appendectomy..forgive the spelling...I'm no doctor. But basically he had three small incisions into his abdomen and with a camera (that's the landoscopic part) they removed his inflamed appendix. He was moved to the pediatrics ward and had a room all to him self to recover.

Finally, at around 11:30am Sept. 3rd, he was released and we are now all at home resting. Through the whole ordeal Andrew was a real champ and didn't complain or cry when they stuck him with needles or prodded him with thermometers. He did very well.