R & A News

December 20, 2008
By Ryan Simmons
(and a little of Aaron)

Mon: When we got home from school, we started our homework. It took Aaron a while to do it, but still got it done. For dinner we had cheeseburgers with fries. As always, we watched TV and then slowly went to bed.

Tues: We got home, Aaron did homework. For dinner we had burritos. At 6:00, the doorbell rang and no one was there but only a note. The note said that we were good boys this year and that 2 children wanted a red and blue game boy. So tomorrow we will go to the post office and mail our game boys to the North Pole.

Wed: Ryan and Aaron stayed home and Aaron did his homework. Aaron studied for his tests. Mom sent the game boys to the North Pole. For a snack we had popcorn. For supper we had steak, beans, and sweat potatoes. After that we watched TV in Mom and Dad’s bed.

Thurs: We went out for breakfast at Mc Donald’s. I had a McGriddle, eggs, and hash browns. We picked up a cringle for the Kids club party from Sentry. When we got home, Aaron studied for a test again. At 9:00 we watched George Lopez.

Fri: We had a snow day! Aaron played on the Play Station then Aaron played the PS3. Next we played on the computer. After that we watched Happy Feet. Then we watched TV and went to bed. Ryan slept on the couch.

Sat: 2 weeks of vacation! Hooray! We did arts and craft stuff and played on the computer. For lunch we had P B & J sandwiches with chips. Ryan put his toy in water to see it grow. (A toy that grows in water) We watched the Whitewater War Hawks football game. They lost by 5. Dad was sad.

Sun: The week of Christmas, Yaaay! Today we had to do a lot of arins till 9:00-4:00. We went to Scott and Tina’s house to give Aaron’s guitar to Bella, but she wasn’t there. We went home and played on the computer, make deserts and play the Play Station.

Now are some words from Aaron: Hi Grandma and Grandpa, we’ll see you in less than a week at in the Hotel. This week has been boring, except the games I have been playing, but I made it through the day. I’ll see U in 6 days. We love you both, bye!