
March 18, 2009
By Susie Devries

I think I've been in heaven sleeping the last couple nights. Our weather has turned to the very nice side, sunny and warm, a slight breeze. I got the wild idea to string up a clothesline Monday so I could hang out the sheets. Oh man, talk about a 'sweet idea'. Those sheets were so soft and smelled so fresh. Poor Bill thought the dryer was broke when he first came home from work. I think now I'd like to put up a permanent clothes line out back but I'm not really sure.

I remember as a girl in Iowa having to hang out clothes. Oh how I hated that job. It was a year round deal and in the winter the clothes froze before you could hang them up. I vowed to 'never' do that again when I grew up! I ate my words when my first son was a baby. I used cloth diapers. No money to go to the laundry mat so it was a matter of hooking up the itty bitty washer to the kitchen sink and washing diapers, then rinsing and hanging them out on the line---in Omaha, in January!! I did though, and when I got done, I sat down and wrote my mom a letter to tell her how I had to eat my grumbling words. She got a good laugh out of that.

Not much can beat the clean fresh smell of laundry hung out to dry. Old lessons come in handy sometimes.