Autumn and Goldfinches

April 15, 2009
By Susie Devries

Here are some pictures of Autumn 'helping' me make a chocolate cake. You know licking the beater is the most important part. Not only that, but who else but a 3 year old can give you a good 'quality check' on the flavor??

The Goldfinches are back and that is a sure sign of spring. They are such beautiful little birds. There is also a picture of a Dove, waiting for the feeder to empty so it can have some thistle seed too. Doves are mainly ground feeding birds and do not seem to like above ground feeders. The Doves here do like the thistle seed I have out for the finches though! It's great to sit outside in the morning when it's a bit cool and watch the birds come to the feeders.

Click here to see the pictures.