Darn Turkeys

May 18, 2009
By Cliff Chamberlin

I have been watching the first corn planting I did 18 days ago. About 25% of the seeds came up, crap! It was time to till the other 1/2 of the corn plot and plant the 2nd half on Tuesday. The wind died down a little this afternoon and so off I went with my tiller.

Upon close inspection, some turkey or turkeys ??? went up and down each row and picked the seeds right out of the dirt, There were nice little 1" diameter indentations in the dirt from their beaks as they went picking. So I just tilled up the whole darn plot and will plant the first 1/2 over again tomorrow. Two weeks later, the rest of the plot.

Guess I'll have to deal with the turkeys like I do the buck deer who kill the young trees I plant by rubbing off the bark with their horns -- SHOOT THEM!

Monday Morning Update - I headed over this morn to plant the corn and there were 4 hen turkeys wandering off up my gully away from the corn patch area. They were laughing all the way. Got the corn planted and feel like I need to hire a daylight hour armed guard till the seeds come up.