Pretty Day

September 19, 2010
By John Schmit

Sparkling sunshine and thunderstorm downpours made for a very pretty day here. So, we picked up Mom and headed for a few of her favorite places along Puget Sound. The drama in the sky, along with mild temperatures made for some fun sightseeing.

We started out by going to Redondo Beach. They have a good pier there and some interesting sculpture. We watched as a fishing boat was hauled from the water. Dark clouds kept rolling in from the west.

Then we were off to Salt Water State Park. A volunteer there gave us a map of the park and explained some of the volunteer programs. The logs on the beach and the scudding clouds in the sky made the nature trails very interesting. I even ventured out onto the rocky breakwater for a look. We found a bridge that crossed a stream and led to a trail headed into the woods of the park.

After we left the park we passed the Landmark On The Sound. Landmark on the Sound, known as the "Castle on the Hill" for over 80 years, sits on a bluff overlooking Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains in Des Moines. It was built in 1926 by the Grand Lodge of Washington. The majestic 120,000 sq. ft. building features several stately public rooms available for rental. We even drove around back for a look, then headed for the marina.

North Marina in Des Moines has a long, concrete pier built with the fisherman in mind. Pole holders and a filleting station were built in. We were able to look back at the marina and its serene contrast to the wild sky above. A lone sailboat played out on the Sound.

The walks, the fresh air and the gorgeous scenery made for a very pretty day. A great way to relax, unwind and rejuvenate.

Click here to enjoy some of the scenes from our day.