Our Times Archive December 2004

News Archive 2004






Doug and Joni Visit Nana12/31/04
Doug and Joni are flying in from Atlanta today for a special New Year's visit with Barbara Lawrence. After flying into the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Doug, Barbara's son, is renting a car and driving to Mount Vernon for the visit. The visit will be short, as Doug and Joni will be leaving on Monday to fly back home.

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Barbara Lawrence

Elvis In Alabama12/29/04
Enduring another day of clouds and rain, Daryl has moved on to Dotham, Alabama. He in now in a hotel that has real high speed Internet access. The window here is a bit from the computer and Daryl will be buying a USB extension cord to connect his traveling webcam.


Heidi Sets Up Website12/29/04
Heidi decided that she would like to have her pictures and info on her own site. We had a great time this afternoon as we put together her website. The site is patterned after this one. Heidi's picture page has links to pictures going back to the year 2000. She hopes everyone will visit and enjoy the website. You can access her site by clicking on her name above the yellow ribbon to the left, on this page.


Elvis In Florida12/26/04
Daryl (aka Elvis) has arrived in Gainsville Florida today. The flight from Texas was just under 6 hours. While passing Tallahassee, he managed to get some great pictures to show (see Picture Page). Daryl expects to be in Florida for several more days before he moves on to Alabama.


Heidi's Boyfriend Online12/26/04
SFC Michael Ennis has now built a website with information about him and pictures he has taken. Michael has been dating Heidi for over a year. Heidi got to know Michael in Italy and was deployed in Africa with him for two months. Michael is now stationed in Germany. Please click on the link above our yellow ribbon on the left to view his website.  

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SFC Michael Ennis

Archive Section12/26/04
As a service to our readers, we are adding an archive section to save news items from the home page. This reference section will be available for people to review activities that have been highlighted on our website. We hope this section is a help to all.

Jumpy At Home12/23/04
After almost a week in the hospital, Jumpy Millard has gone back home. With Blanche there to give him assistance, Jumpy is resting comfortably at home now. He is on new medications and will be seeing a specialist next week.



Christmas Celebration12/22/04
Cheryl, John, Allen, and Heidi spent Wednesday, December 22, eating and opening Christmas gifts as they celebrated Christmas. Due to work schedules and compatible days off, the family agreed to celebrate Christmas on a day when everyone could be together, relax and enjoy each others company. And a good day it was. After working on a large vegetable plate, gifts were distributed and opened. Ooo's, ah's and laughs were plentiful. Finally a dinner of ham, turkey and all the fixin's was enjoyed by all.


Holiday Cam12/21/04
Viewers of our webcam page will be treated to a special "Holiday Cam" set to operate Wednesday afternoon and evening. The special cam will be set up in the downstairs areas to capture our Christmas celebrations. John, Cheryl and Allen have the day off so it was decided to eat our Christmas meal then. Those that wish to check in and see the family together will be able to do so Wednesday afternoon on the Homecam Page.


Jumpy In Hospital12/17/04
Jumpy Millard was taken to Spring Valley Hospital in Las Vegas on Thursday evening. He is now in the intensive care unit and is being monitored for heart problems. Jumpy is a long time companion to Blanche Glaeser, who is Roger, John, and Ricks mom. Jumpy and Blanche have shared a condo in Las Vegas for many years. During John and Roger's recent visit, Jumpy had complained of trouble sleeping, breathing and pain in the chest.

We wish Jumpy a quick recovery and pray he will be back home soon.

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Jumpy Millard

John's Back Home12/14/04
John returned home this evening after a seven day stay at his mother's in Las Vegas. "It's good to be back and get unpacked" said John. There was plenty to do as John and Cheryl shared the many stories they had from the previous week. Both are looking forward to Heidi's arrival on Sunday.


Power Outage12/12/04
At 3:30 this afternoon the power went out across many areas in the foothills of the Cascade mountains, including the area around our house. Without the electricity, there are no computers. Our webcams will be out until power is resumed and the computers can be reset. Storms and winds continue in the area. This story reported by John from Vegas.
Note: Power was restored in less than 6 hours.


Heidi To Iraq12/11/04
Heidi called today to let us know that she will be deployed to Iraq. She is expecting the deployment later in December. She is talking with her superiors to possibly arrange for at least one week of her vacation at Christmas. It is unknown as to whether she will be able to come home at this time. Heidi is a multi-media specialist and will be assigned that kind of work in Iraq. Much of Heidi's work is classified "Top Secret" and she is unable to tell us very much about this deployment.

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SPC Heidi Schmit

Blanche, Jumpy to Attend Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Concert12/11/04
Blanche and Jumpy will be attending a special Christmas concert of Mannhiem Steamroller at the Madalay Bay Casino on Sunday. They were invited to attend the concert by Ester Rassmussen. The tickets were received from Ester's daughter and son-in-law, booking agents for entertainers.


Vegas Party12/08/04
John arrived in Vegas to find a special surprise - Roger was also there. It was good to see him after too many years. Roger had arrived in Vegas the day before John and spent the day with Blanche. After John arrived, everyone went to dinner at the Gold Coast Casino. Wednesday, Roger made his famous 'One Pot Dinner' (although he did use a second pot to cook the noodles). A great time was had by all and the time past way too fast.

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Roger Schmit